Saturday, April 9, 2011

You play Too much!

How many of you play the dozens with your partner?  Laughing until you cry, joking one another out to no end?  Nikki and I have spent countless hours playfully teasing one another about any and everything.  We go IN on each other until- unbeknownst to the other- a soft spot has been hit.  Trial and error reveals a ‘not so funny’ exchange of ridicule has occurred, and I (or she) is left with that nervous chuckle wondering if the other is about to:
1.      Silence
2.      Come out of the bag and snap.
3.      Hang up the phone/ walk out because feelings are hurt.
Leo vs. Virgo for some reason can almost always get us fired up.  We start out really playful and light.  Somewhere in-between me declaring Virgos are the best and Nikki suggesting I’m afraid of the lioness, our discussion slips into a battle of egos.  Ego fighting is never fair or friendly.  As you can imagine our eyes are probably rolling at the implication of inferiority of the other.  While intense neither of us wants to back down. Sly laughter and mockery with an added undertone of arrogance is a perfect recipe for the actions I listed above.  We’ve never pushed the other this far but that line has been grazed.  Silence has filled the air. (Blaming Nikki for this one) J
AWKWARD feeling at its worst!  Reminds me of that Southwest Airlines commercial, “Wanna Get Away!?”  It is in those moments I’m like, okay, no more playing because I don’t like feeling this way nor do I like going there- there being that dark place of uncertainty pondering what the hell just happened because we were only playing’
Everybody has soft spots.  Only when things have gone too far are we made aware of our partner’s no-play-zone.  I’m sure we have all experienced it or am I the only culprit?  I know Nikki has found mine and I am super guilty of finding hers because I play a lot (and she does too). Sometimes too much. J  However, I’ve learned where not to go and I stay clear of those soft areas.  I tend to tell her, “No babe, we cannot play because you do not know how to play well with others.” I’m laughing but am very serious. In the midst of laughing, I will stop and proceed with caution to the next subject.  The joking, playing, jonezing, casing, ribbing, whatever you may call it, it ends.
So tell me: Do you play too much?  Does your partner play for real?  By for real, I mean they start saying real stuff and the playing turns into an argument?  I’m cracking up because I want to know!!  Share your thoughts people…

© BNasha, April 9, 2011


  1. OMG! Stephanie and I have had numerous awkward moments and unfortunately one too many arguments from JUST PLAYING AROUND. We love to laugh and play around but at some point one of us feels the need to hit below the belt because someone has said something and it stung so now we get defensive and say something we know will sting back. But the initial sting was not done to hurt cause remember WE ARE JUST PLAYING! While playing and laughing is good it can also be bad cause it's just life there is a lil truth in everything..... Even PLAYING AROUND. So what do u do stop having fun?!?!? No of course not. Both parties knows what spots to aim for so be kind when playing in the sandbox after all this is the person u love and never want to intentionally hurt.

  2. You never want to use moments that are meant to be fun - as time to hit below the belt or to bring up sensitive subjects that are meant for more serious discussion. Play nice or you're not exactly 'playing' at all. Now, are you?


  3. Funny post!!! Yes, my baby and I tease each other A LOT!!! We both have great senses of humor so it's normally not a problem at all. We even go in hard on each others mama!:) LOL! However, there have been times when one of us my start teasing only to find out that the other is simply not in a teasing mood. As soon as we feel the moment turning from funny to tense, we immediately cease until the next time.:) I don't think I could survive with a partner that didn't like a good joke or a good teasing. Laugther is good, and our relationship sure as hell consists of a lot of it.:)

  4. man oh man, can i relate to this one. Wait, i have a good one: have you ever hit that spot in front of friends on a night out? AAAAWW #&^@$^*$#^*$!!? all you can do is shake your head as that twinge of sweat rolls down the back of your neck. The car ride home...that's all imma say about that. that is all.

  5. well, has anyone tried to play with a Siamese cat? don't know if that cat ever knew what play meant. She was so competitive. I kept my gloves close by and whenever i would tackle here, you bet your life i was ready ! :)
