Saturday, November 3, 2012

Finding love and Keeping it

This is a blog I posted on my blog, Les’ Talk About It, December, 2010. It’s been a minute since we’ve posted a blog so I thought to share this one with you all. :)   Enjoy!
Often, couples settle into their everyday lives and neglect tomaintain that wonderful feeling that brought them together.Conversations become surface, the bedroom is mundane, quality time is absent,and the very essence of their togetherness seems to be routine. Seemingly theybegin to take one another for granted. The significance of the relationship haspassed and is now replaced monotonous behavior.

What happens to the flame that was ignited in the beginning?  What about laughing until you cry whileconversing or the excitement of seeing one another after a long day?  Has time diminished these wonderful elementsof your relationship?  How do you supposere-inventing your love?

What is it about LONGEVITY in relationshipsthat seem to drain the creativity, spontaneity, passion and significance out ofit?

My partner is my friend; we laugh, joke, talk, and have fun. My partner is mylover; we make love, explore sexual desires, make it our business to do 'new' things,express our hunger for one another and exhibit our affection. My partnerunderstands me as I do her. We communicate without judgment or gettingdefensive. We continue to cultivate our relationship as it is important to us.LONGEVITY is what we seek so we do the things to ensure the years to come willbe our reality.
As always, please share your thoughts on the subject.
©BNasha, November 2012